Meet the Artist

Ward Jene Stroud
I believe who we are, and everything that we create is a culmination of what we have learned, and experienced through our life's journey. I have been blessed with so many amazing life experiences that have given me a many faceted and diverse well to draw from to create Art.
a bit about me...
I'm an award winning (best of show, peoples choice, plein air, etc...) 65 year old Watercolor Artist from Portland Oregon. I have had numerous one-man exhibits across the country. I've been a featured gallery Artist and my work has been showcased in
Fine Art magazines both nationally and internationally.
In other words I've been pretty darn lucky:)
...soooo lucky!
just a little bit more...
I have had the privilege of speaking at national conventions as a panel expert and being a demo artist while representing large international art companies.
I have also written several published articles on watercolor, marketing and art.
I have three full featured Instructional watercolor painting videos and...
I also have a Youtube channel with several popular and highly-viewed videos.
whew! It's been quite the journey!
Most of all I'm grateful.
To live life as an Artist and to be able to create from my heart and soul is a lifelong dream and one I don't take for granted. I'm super blessed.
And the best part...
Meeting, learning, teaching and interacting with the all People who have made this great Art adventure so amazing!
It's been fantastic!
Thank You for taking the time to get to know me a little bit.
I appreciate it!
All the best!
Ward Jene Stroud