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This painting touched a lot of hearts and for good reason. We owe more than we can ever repay to the Front Line. I Posted this painting on Facebook and asked for help with a title. The response was overwhelming and wonderful. Of the many many responses one caught my heart.

Hi Ward, I'm Jackie D Mark's mom. Also an R.N. He just sent me your beautiful post os the healthcare worker as an encouragement as I and my coworkers are beyond exhausted from covid. You've captured us perfectly in your painting, thank you. I would like to suggest "Worn" as it's title. Mark also sent me a link to a song of the same name. It fits beautifully with your painting. Posting it with the song would be so affirming to us on the front lines. Thank you again, I'd love a print when you're done with it.
She added in her next message  -typing through her tears "all she/they want is for people to hear them".
We hear you. We see you.
Thank YOU!

What an honor to paint this and to be a part of this moment. Hero's everyone of you

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